In this episode I speak to Sophie Gray, the founder on DiveThru a mental wellness company that helps you DiveThru what you go thru. I have followed Sophie for over 6 years on social media and find her openness and honesty very inspirational.

In this episode we speak about
– Sophie’s journey to becoming a fitness influencer, gaining a large social media following and being an entrepreneur.
– Her decision to delete her online content and stop selling fitness programmes, starting fresh and how it felt to lose followers.
– Unrealistic expectations of social media and how to engagement with online content in a healthy way.
– The importance of self reflection, learning and mental health interventions.
– How DiveThru came to be, what it offers and how it helps people.
– The challenges of being a female CEO.
– The importance of self compassion and taking steps at your own pace.
Please remember that this podcast shares opinions and information, it isn’t for the diagnosis or treatment of an eating disorder, mental or physical health issues.
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