
"I feel hopeful about the future instead of feeling dread. I feel almost like a different person, because my life doesn’t revolve around food. I couldn’t have imagined actually be able to live this way before Rachel.

 I now feel like I’m actually involved in my life, rather than half paying attention and half obsessing about food." Alicia

Nourish Programme



Remain confident in your recovery through building trust in yourself and your body. Step into a powerful new identity as you regain your sense of purpose and joy for life. You'll have all the knowledge and skills that you need to cope with life, whatever it has to throw at you.


Rewire deep-rooted beliefs, unwanted habits, and negative self-talk so that you can easily let go of the past and begin to move forwards. You will be able to identify how and why you developed old patterns and to re-encode adaptive responses to food and your body that allow you to thrive..


Rebalance and restore your physical health through nutritional rehabilitation, regulating the nervous system and tuning into your innate hunger/fullness signals. This eliminates urges to binge and purge, boosts your energy and helps keep your mood stable so staying on-track is easy.


This signature eating disorder recovery programme is designed to help you nourish your body, your mind and your life through focusing on three key pillars.

Yes I have a PhD in the psychology of eating.

Yes I'm certified in hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique and Neuro-Energetic Encoding (and more)!.

But the most important thing is that I'm a real person who's life once revolved around food and exercise; I was terrified of gaining weight and tried everything from starving to making myself vomit and other physical self-harm to try and control my body and my feelings. I felt stuck, desperately unhappy and even had thoughts of ending things.

But I found a way through. It didn't come from the million and one diets I tried hoping that it would magically 'reset' my relationship with food as promised. It didn't come from trying to hate myself into recovery.  

It came from understanding my habits and mindset, from accepting myself for who I am, and from learning to nourish my body without it being my sole focus and purpose in life! 

If you're thinking "but I'll lose even more control if I don't follow diet rules" or  "how will I ever feel comfortable in my body?", then I would love to help you to recover.

Today, I’m a chartered psychologist who specialises in helping my clients achieve full recovery from bulimia. But in the past, I was where you are now.

I understand what it feels like when you've promised yourself that it was your last ever binge and you will never make yourself sick again, but it's 1am and your Google searches range from "how to recover from bulimia" to "tips to get rid of everything when you throw up" after having another bad day.

I know the frustration when you read to 'just go for a walk' or ' just read a book' like it's going to make even the tiniest bit of difference when the urge comes. You've tried those things, but often you're half way through a jar of Nutella before you even register what happened. Then comes the undisputable thought that you should carry on, 'get rid of it' and start again tomorrow.

I'm here to tell you that even though that might be the case for you now, you can FULLY RECOVER FROM BULIMIA and reclaim your health and happiness.


Focus on you. Nourish is a bespoke programme with a high-level support tailored to your changing needs over the 6 months. I’ll never take on more than 5 clients at any one time to ensure that I can give you the full care and attention that you deserve

Daily support beyond typical office-hours. With Nourish, I'll be just a message or voice note away from 8am-10pm (even 1am if I'm awake then), replying to you is my top priority so you never feel alone in your recovery journey. 

Multi-disciplinary treatment. Focusing on your mind and body, using psychology, energetics and nutrition. You can benefit from a mix of coaching, therapy and mentoring as part of your Nourish package with the aim to help fully rebalance, rewire and remain recovered. Additional sessions, for example, with a dietician or yoga teacher, available on request. 

Integrative approach. Nourish combines cutting-edge techniques, evidence-based methods and holistic modalities to rebalance your physiology, rewire your mind and help you remain fully recovered. You can look forward to using techniques including, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Energetic Encoding and Aromatherapy. 

Relapse Prevention Planning is built into the programme as-well-as the focus of our final session together so you can feel confident in your progress and maintaining recovery  whatever life has to throw at you.

I work a little differently to traditional eating disorder therapists you might have seen before. I’m committed to… 


This is not an NHS funded service, I am a highly qualified and experienced psychologist, with a PhD in the psychology of eating. In the last 3 years, I have helped 41 clients to recover from an eating disorder. The fees for the Nourish Programme are £1200 per month and this is reflective of the one-to-one time commitment and the interventions I provide. I only work with 5 women at a time so that I can give you my full attention and really focus on results for you as an individual. If you’re ready to do this and would like to have a conversation with me about the Nourish Programme, click here to book a complimentary clarity call

Working with someone who has experienced the thoughts and feelings of suffering with an eating disorder really allowed me to believe that recovery was possible. In conversations with other counsellors who tell you they ‘understand how you feel’ when they have never experienced the crippling fear and irrational thoughts associated with an eating disorder can’t understand what it’s like to live in a mind and body where you feel trapped with no end in sight. Rachel really listened to me as an individual without judgement, even when I felt I was sharing things that were stupid she never made me feel that way. She helped me to see things from another perspective and to try different strategies to tackle situations and to give me another way of seeing things that my eating disorder made me blind to. Louise

You're only looking at this webpage because a friend or family member persuaded you to. You don't think there is anything wrong. Why not download this free e-book to evaluate if eating is having a positive or negative impact on your life?

You don't believe that recovery is possible for you and you’re resigned to stay stuck with bulimia for life. 

You're not ready to say YES to full recovery and instead you're looking for no-commitment or ‘drop-in, drop-out’ sessions on a ‘per hour’ basis. 

You want a for a quick fix or a magic solution so you don't have to show up to sessions or do anything between. 


You know that you have bulimia or similar thoughts and behaviours AND you're determined to recover, even if that feels scary or impossible right now.

You want to feel heard, understood and fully supported by a dedicated one-to-one therapist who has recovered from bulimia and can tailor a treatment plan to support your unique needs.

You can't wait to learn new information and try new approaches like Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and Parts Integration.

You can image how good it will feel in 6 months when you have stopped being obsessed by food, stopped hating your body, and instead you have the time and energy to focus on making the most of life.



Other therapy hasn't had such a great impact on my life like hypnotherapy with Rachel. Not going to lie, I was sceptical at first too, but it is truly transformational! I realised how things that happened in my past made me feel as though I wasn't good enough. This underlying belief was driving my behaviours. I'm so thankful for this realisation and the ability to work on changing my beliefs to know that I am good enough just the way I am. I loved listening to the recording every day and will continue to listen to it from time to time as a reminder that I am enough and I can challenge any old beliefs. Jenn

3 bespoke hypnosis recordings, tailored to your recovery goals, which will build new habit pathways in your brain and make change easier (worth £750)

FREE access to all previous workshops run by Dr Rachel Evans, and new workshops for the duration of your programme (worth £1500-2000)

Yoga course (4 pre-recorded videos) to help you gently start to connecting to your body and being more present in the moment (worth £175).

We will start together with high-intensity support to kick-start your recovery and help you to feel safe around food as soon as possible. Every month you will have

♥ 1x deep-dive session; 3 hour Breakthrough session in month 1 & solution-focused hypnotherapy session in months 2,3 and 4

♥ 3x 1 hour high-impact therapy sessions with Dr Rachel Evans

♥ Daily support and check-ins via messages and voice notes

In the last 2 months, we will reduce the frequency of sessions to give you the confidence that you can remain recovered after our time together. In month 5 & 6 month you will have

♥ 2 x 1.5 hour high-impact therapy sessions with Dr Rachel Evans

♥ Support and check-ins via messages and voice notes, as and when you need them

Daily support for just £300 per week

How we do it

The Nourish programme is 6 months of person-centred support to fit around your lifestyle.

I never take on more that 5 clients at any one time to ensure that I can give you the full care and attention that you deserve during our time together.


in months 5 & 6

in months 1-4

Voice support is a lifeline in between sessions if you’re struggling or have questions that can’t wait. Getting an almost immediate response is really helpful for staying positive in challenging moments and having voice notes that you can keep listening back to gives you instant reassurance and perspective. Jo


One place available.

Session times (London, UK):
Tuesday  between 10.30-5.30
Wednesday between 10.30-5
Thursday between  10-2


Do you work with children?

No. I believe that family-based therapy is the best approach for children. I work with over-18s who are ready to invest in themselves and their recovery.

If you are looking for services on behalf of your child who is 18 or over, please email or have them fill out the 'clarity call' application form.

How do I know if we're a good fit to work together?

Before you sign-up to Nourish we will have a 'clarity call' to see if we're a good match to work together. During this call we can discuss what you’re struggling with, your goals/vision for the future, what is keeping you stuck and what we need to do so you can take your power back from food and ‘eat normally’ again. 

It's extremely important to me that all my clients feel aligned to work with me and are willing to take action, and equally that I believe I can help them. You cannot sign-up to the Programme unless we have had a clarity call. 

If you related to most of the items in 'Nourish is for you if', then it's likely we're a good fit and I will be able to help you. Click here to book a clarity call. 

If you related to more of the items in 'Nourish is NOT for you if' above, then I believe that you absolutely deserve help to recover, but I'm not the right person to help you do that.

Can I work with you if I don't live in the UK?

Yes of course, I have worked with happy clients from all over the world. If you're ready to commit to full recovery and weekly sessions via video call then I would love to hear from you. 

I don't have bulimia. Can I still work with you?

I work with clients experiencing other difficulties around food, body-image and exercise on a case-by-case basis. Please apply for a clarity call and tell me what is going on for you right now, then I will be able to advise if I can help you. 

Can I use my health insurance to pay?

I am not currently registered with any health care insurance companies. Please check with your specific insurer if they cover you to find your own therapist and any eligibility requirements before booking a clarity call with me. 

What are the fees for the Nourish Programme?

One-to-one integrative and tailored eating disorder support, with daily contact is £1200 per month (just £300 per week) for 6 months. Extended payment plan available.

Is therapy as effective online as face-to-face?

I believe so. My relationship with my clients and their results are the same via video call as they are in person. Plus, some people have said that they find it more convenient to be at home rather than spending the time to travel to sessions.

Will I be out of control during hypnotherapy?

You are always in control under hypnosis and you can open your eyes at any time. Even my most anxious client, who literally cried before the session and was hoping the hypnosis wouldn’t work, was able to go into a trance and actually enjoyed the hypnotherapy session!

Hypnosis is a natural state of focused attention. You've probably been in a trace while watching the TV before. 

You will get the chance to practice going into hypnosis during your clarity call - just ask.

What’s included in the Nourish Programme?

During the 6 months we will meet for 16 sessions (4 deep dive, 12 x 60 minutes), face-to-face or via zoom, between which you can access daily support from me (Rachel) via email or voice notes.

Your Programme includes the following bonuses
- a beautiful welcome gift including incredible essential oil blends to help regulate your emotions so that you can feel calm and in control
- 3 bespoke hypnosis recordings, tailored to your recovery goals, which will build new habit pathways in your brain and make change easier
- FREE access to all workshops run by Dr Rachel Evans (for the duration of your programme)
- 4 video yoga course to help you gently start to connecting to your body and being more present in the moment (a.k.a. building key skills for recovery).

We’ll kick off with a 180 minute (3 hour) deep-dive session, which a former client described as "4 or 5 sessions of therapy in 1" and create your bulimia recovery blueprint. Right from day one you'll learn new skills and strategies to apply to rebalance, rewire and recover.

Nourish is a comprehensive and integrative programme for those who are serious about recovering and finding a new life of food freedom.

How long is the Nourish Programme?

Nourish is a 6 month bespoke programme with a high-level support tailored to your changing needs over the 6 months. I’ll never take on more than 5 clients at any one time to ensure that I can give you the full care and attention that you deserve during our time together.

I don’t provide 'per-hour' sessions, because I believe that recovery from bulimia is a journey and not something that can be taught in an hour.


Luckily, I had studied psychology for 8 years at that point. I had learnt about habit loops and reward systems. I had got 82% in my Health Psychology MSc module about behaviour change interventions.

I used this knowledge to help me recover. But it was hard. I didn’t have support. I was trying to stop the overwhelming thoughts to go and buy a whole chocolate cake to binge on, while trying to study, continue with my award-winning (and now deleted) blog, be a good girlfriend, daughter, sister and friend. It was mentally and physically exhausting!

I’m guessing that you don’t have years of studying psychology, nutrition, and specifically eating disorder recovery. Or if you have one of those things (actually some of my clients are weight-loss coaches, personal trainers and therapists), you’re struggling to apply your learnings to yourself because guess what, bulimia isn’t logical!! You’re trying to outsmart a brain that is tricking you back into old behaviours; “just this one time and then we’ll stop”, “but you’re going to feel so much better when you’ve ‘got rid’ of it”.

Since recovering I have committed to learning everything I can about the psychology and physiology of eating disorder recovery. Now I'm a Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and since 2018 I’ve helped 41 women in their journey to recover from an eating disorder or disordered eating. I would love to help you too.

I expect you really want to make this change, to live a life free from constant stress about food, exercise and your body, but something is holding you back.

Maybe that’s struggling to believe that full recovery is possible for YOU, maybe you want more specific details about the programme or you’re wondering if the investment is worth it.

I hear you. I remember reading so many websites and testimonials from clients on paid courses or receiving individual therapy, but I didn’t believe it was possible for me until I hit the ultimate low point (every-single day was consumed by the urge to binge and me giving in, I was physically and emotionally drained. I couldn’t even go to work or Christmas shopping without constant questioning myself over food choices and desires!

It was in that moment that I knew I absolutely couldn’t do this another day and I decide that full recovery was possible for me! Unfortunately at that point I wasn’t willing to put money behind myself; I sought help from a charity and was referred to the NHS. I didn’t click with the purely Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy approach or being paired with a therapist. So I decided not to continue with treatment.

you made it way down to the bottom of the page! 

Almost everyone I speak to during a free discovery call says that they felt nervous or anxious before the call! It's normal to feel a bit apprehensive about making a big life change.

want to know a secret?

when asked "What would you say to another woman who is thinking about signing up FOR THE NOURISH PROGRAMME" MY CLIENTS REPLIED...

I would highly recommend Rachel not only because of the Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions, but overall her professionalism and how she uses her own experience. Altogether it gave me the full picture. How to recover. Why to recover. That is huge! For so many years I did not have this full picture in my head. Rachel gave me the most powerful tool - believe in myself.  I cannot say that there was just one great thing working with Rachel! All our sessions gave me so much! Mara

DO IT! It was the biggest thing that helped me to recover and without it I fear I wouldn't be where I am today. Go in with an open mind and you could be amazed at the results. I can't thank Rachel enough for her help. Issy

JUST DO IT...if you’re struggling with an eating disorder it will be the best thing you’ve ever done. If you want to make a change but don’t know where to start, this is the perfect way to start opening up to the problems you need support with and to start tackling things differently. Booking a session with Rachel is the first step in your recovery journey and although it may be challenging at first, it won’t be as difficult as you think and it won’t be anywhere near as tough as living with your negative eating disorder thoughts. Recovery is possible and the happiness you with feel from changing your life is only an email away. Be open, lay your heart on the line and Rachel will give you the support and confidence you need to leave your disordered eating in the past. Louise

I would say: GET IT NOW!! Just do it! there is a magical experience of healing, support, friendship, true help and huge support awaiting you!!! Rachel is a brilliant professional and she will use any tool at her disposal to help you and bring back your smile :) Bianca


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