Eating Disorder Recovery Isn’t a straight line

It’s normal to have ups and downs in your eating disorder recovery journey.

I’m always talking about this instagram post from @lindsaybraman on podcasts and Instagram lives, so I thought I better share it on my blog to make it easier for you to find.

With almost every client I work with, things are going well, then they have a ‘bad week’; maybe work has been super stressful, maybe someone said something that triggered them or maybe they were pushed so far out of their comfort zone that some eating disorder thoughts and behaviours came back.

Usually people panic and feel like they’ve gone all the way back to square one!

Then it’s my job is to remind them of all the skills that they have developed since ‘square one’, help them notice the things that are still going well, and to view the situation as something to learn from. Taking step back can help them see that things aren’t going as badly as they thought!

In a way, it’s good the set back happened because we can evaluate what happened and change things for the future. E.g., identify unhelpful beliefs or habits, learn new skills to avoid getting overwhelmed, and build confidence so a lapse doesn’t turn into a relapse.

Have you ever felt like you were going backwards in recovery?

How could you look at that situation a different way to help you keep moving forwards?

If you’re stuck and ready for support to help change those unhelpful beliefs and break habits forever then check out how I can help you, and apply for a free ‘discovery’ call 💻 


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I'm always talking about this instagram post from @lindsaybraman on podcasts/IG lives, so I thought I better share it on my feed to make it easier for you to find. . With almost every client I work with, things are going well, then they have a 'bad week'; maybe work has been super stressful, maybe someone said something that triggered them or maybe they were pushed so far out of their comfort zone that some eating disorder thoughts and behaviours came back. . Usually people panic and feel like they've gone all the way back to square one! . Then it's my job is to remind them of all the skills that they have developed since 'square one', help them notice the things that are still going well, and to view the situation as something to learn from. Taking step back can help them see that things aren't going as badly as they thought! . In a way, it's good the set back happened because we can evaluate what happened and change things for the future. E.g., identify unhelpful beliefs or habits, learn new skills to avoid getting overwhelmed, and build confidence so a lapse doesn't turn into a relapse. . Have you ever felt like you were going backwards in recovery? How could you look at that situation a different way to help you keep moving forwards? . If you're stuck and ready for support to help change those unhelpful beliefs and break habits forever then drop me a DM to find out more about working with me 💕 or check our my website 💻

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Dr Rachel Evans

Eating Disorder Recovery Therapist