I thought that I would put together 5 of my favourite feel-good instagram posts for if you’re having a bad day and struggling during eating disorder recovery.
Often instagram can be quite triggering; photos of skinny girls in a bikini, EVERYONE sharing ‘what I ate today’, and seeing the ‘insta-perfect’ life.
In-fact I had to delete my instagram account when I was in recovery. I couldn’t seem to get out of the trap of comparing myself to others or looking at content that made my restrictive food rules even tighter!
A 2018 study, with participants from Australia, the United Kingdom and United Stated, found that seeking out images of ‘thinspiration’ or ‘fitspo’ and making body comparisons to this content, was associated with greater severity of eating disorder symptoms. Furthermore, following health food related instagram accounts was found to be associated with a tendency towards orthorexia (an obsession with ‘clean’ eating’).
I’ve spoken to many clients who had a similar experience. However, other people find instagram beneficial for their recovery.
If you like using instagram, then you might enjoy these 5 posts for times that you’re struggling with eating disorder recovery, you need a little positivity, or food for thought.

ONE – @laurajaneillustrations
TWO – @soolooka (swipe across)
THREE – @fineprintfoods
FOUR – @mantramagazine
FIVE – @psychologiesmagazine
I hope you liked this post.
What is your favoruite instagram account to inspire recovery from an eating disorder (or good mental health)?
P.S. you can follow me on instagram @rachel.evans.phd
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